
ロバート White Robert
皆さん、こんにちは! 私の名前はホワイト・ロバートです。アメリカのモンタナ州出身です。モンタナは恵那市に似ていて、たくさんの山があります。美しい自然もたくさんあります。



Hello, my name is Robert White! I am from a state called Montana. Montana is a lot like Ena ; it has many mountains, small cities and towns, and lots of natural beauty. You can see Glacier National Park in Montana!

I am happy to be teaching in Ena. I studied in Tokyo for 1 year at Toyo University, so now is my second time in Japan! I want to encourage everyone with their English studies. Eventually, I want to become a professor of English. Let's all learn together!

I like studying Japanese, watching soccer, practicing Judo, and traveling. Everyone in Ena is so friendly, and I hope I can be a friend to everyone here!
ケビン  Sword Kevin
こんにちは。ケビン スウォードです。ケビンと呼んで下さい。

Hi, I’m Kevin Sword! Please call me “Kevin.”
I was born and raised in Vermont, in the northeast of the United States.
My major at the University of Vermont was Japanese. At first, I was majoring in Electrical Engineering, but when I started studying Japanese, I discovered a serious interest in languages. In my time as a Japanese major, I took pre-modern and modern literature courses, politics, history, as well as 4 years of Japanese language. I also went to Middlebury College's Language Schools for Japanese in the summers of 2015 and 2016.
My hobbies are playing piano, hiking, and photography. While I’m in Japan, I want to pass JLPT N1, join a yosakoi dance group, and travel a lot within Japan.

I sometimes play Pokemon GO. If you see me out playing, or anytime, feel free to say hi!
ブランドン 顔写真
マジック Magick Brandon 
Hi everyone! Nice to meet you! From the far-off Sonoran Desert of Phoenix, Arizona in the United States, I am Brandon Magick, pleased to make your acquaintance! I received my degree in Anthropology at Arizona State University, focusing on how language and culture interact in the real world and in online communities. I like to keep a diverse set of interests and enjoy watching and playing baseball, writing short stories, listening to music, travelling, and eating good food! I worked at a sushi restaurant back home and discovered that I had a particularly strong interest in Japanese food. Here in Ena, I would like to be able to speak confidently in Japanese with the people here and, more importantly, make English-learning for my students an enjoyable experience that inspires interest in this wonderful language. If you ever see me wandering around town or eating at any of the restaurants in Ena, please do say hi! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!
イアン Ian Ferguson
Hello everyone! My name is Ian Ferguson. I am from Kansas in the United States. I studied Politcal science, History, and International studies at Kansas State University. I also studied Japanese at Nagoya University of Foreign studies in Nisshin, Nagoya for 1 year. Some of my hobbies are woodworking, playing games with friends, and of course hanging out with my amazing girlfriend. As an ALT here in Ena, I am very excited to teach the students about English and American culture, to make them more internationally knowledgeable while being good citizens in Japan, and abroad. If you happen to see me in Ena please feel free to say hi, I always have time to talk. Kindest regards, Ian Ferguson
ベンジャミン Benjamin Watts
Hey! My name is Benjamin Watts but you can call me Ben. I’m from a town called Sheffield in England. I studied Computer Science at Sheffield Hallam University and graduate this year in June. My Hobbies are playing volleyball and watching Netflix. I’m hoping to enjoy Japanese food and sports while I stay in Japan as well as improve my Japanese. I will do my best to become a great ALT and learn as much as I can from while teaching English. I look forward to working with everyone.

チャルタン Charlton Balroop
Hi! My name is Charlton Balroop. I’m from Toronto, Canada, but was originally born in Montreal. I studied English literature at the University of Toronto Mississauga and graduated in 2014. I love to read, workout at the gym and write short stories. I also love experiencing Japanese culture from TV shows, movies, music, video games, the language itself and even pro wrestling. I’m very excited to finally be in Japan and I’m hoping to learn how to speak Japanese during my time here. Most of all, though, I want to be a great ALT here in Ena. I will do my best to help teach English and hopefully spark an interest for English in the kids so they pursue English education even further. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

「Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! 」